Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dirty Boy

Don't fret, the Birthday Fun Part II post is still coming. Technically this post could be titled that but since all the pictures are of Luke making an absolute mess of himself I thought I'd go in a different direction. Part of the birthday fun we've been having in the DeBoer house is getting outside and enjoying the beautiful weather- especially since all of our guests are from areas of the country where spring or summer-like weather doesn't make an appearance for quite some time yet.
We ate lunch outside which was wonderful for many reasons.
One main reason was that I didn't really have to clean up afterward!

We have still been battling those pesky gophers (insert shaking fist here). Mom DB was enjoying the sun and reading book when she heard a rustling noise. Lo and behold, up pops two beady little eyes from a new gopher hole in our hill. She got Matt's attention and Matt- ever the animal rights activist- ran out there with a hammer and poised himself behind the hole, ready to bonk the little beast on the head (similar to the popular arcade game but more morbid). I'm sure no one is surprised to learn that Matt's plan didn't quite work out.
Luke, always ready to dig in the dirt, joined in the gopher hole hunt
Just like Daddy.
That is dirt on his rear end nothing nastier. :)
He had mud/dirt everywhere- in his shirt collar, hair, ears, definitely under his fingernails...such a boy
Rather than try to clean him up enough to get him in the house and up to the bathtub we thought to give the blow up pool its first official use of the season. We filled it up with warmer water from the kitchen sink. Luke loved it and got cleaned up a bit- it's a win-win situation.
At the end of the day Luke was all worn out. Ready to give hugs all around and head to bed.