A belated Happy Thanksgiving and an early Merry Christmas to all of you! We were able to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas (a bit early) in Lynden, WA with Matt's family. It was SO wonderful to see everyone again and meet some new additions! This was Matt's brother's first time meeting Luke~ which was so great. We also got to meet Eric's girlfriend, Candace, Andrea's boyfriend, Jordan, and introduced the fam to Jung and Charles. We were able to be together from Tuesday (Nov. 24) through Sat. (Nov. 28) and, as expected, the time flew by but we cherished every moment together. I have LOTS of pictures (and more that for some reason didn't upload this time - something to look forward to) so I'm going to let the pictures do the talking rather than write paragraphs upon paragraphs about our time in Lynden. So without further adieu...
My parents bought a snow suit for Luke (for our trip to Chicago for Christmas). Its a bit big for Luke right now but still works. We had to try it on him before packing it - Matt was convinced we wouldn't need it in WA, laughing at me, saying that I was being a crazy paranoid mother. We ended up having to call Matt's mom to make the final decision about the need for it - she agreed with me (as usual) and into the suitcase it went. Good thing too, we ended up needing it a few times! In your face, Matt. :)
Luke's first plane ride! He did VERY well on the plane. I was pretty nervous about it. I got the 'ok' from Luke's pediatrician to give him a small amount of benedryl before taking off, just to help him sleep. I'm not convinced it worked but he did sleep for the first 45 minutes. He probably would have slept longer but my arm was positioned in such a way that it was aching so badly and in trying to pass him over to Matt, Luke woke up and that was the end of that.
He was into EVERYTHING on the plane in his waking hours. Luckily we sat by some new grandparents who told me that they were not bothered by him at all and rather enjoyed his playing on the plane.
Luke and Grammie reading a book. The cat, Cali, decided she needed some story time too apparently. Luke was not so sure what to make of the cat taking over Grammie's lap.
The whole family playing scrabble. Notice that Matt, Eric, and Jordan are all being goobers in this picture. Ahh, family.
Meeting Uncle Eric (or Uncle 'E' as Eric refers to himself)
Uncle 'E' feeding Luke - his first time feeding a baby. LOVE the look on his face!
"What, that's it? No pumpkin pie?"
Playing with Uncle Eric
Playing with Auntie Andrea
I'm not sure if I meant to capture Luke's face on camera or not, but I thought this picture was too funny to leave out of the blog. (If you can't tell, Luke is working on filling his britches)
Uncle Eric's first time changing a diaper! We saved the poopy one for him! Candace got the whole thing on video and the commentary is hilarious.
Eric's face during the process -priceless.
Relaxing, watching football, waiting for the feast to be ready
Mom DeBoer, hard at work in the kitchen.
Mom DeBoer and Jordan putting some of the final touches on our Thanksgiving meal
Luke's First Thanksgiving! In his highchair observing as all the food is put on the table. MMMM
The spread! I am getting hungry all over again.
Everything was delicious! We all over ate, then rested a bit, and ate more later!
Matt, Eric, Candace, Andrea and Jordan went to watch the Broncos game on Thanksgiving evening. It wasn't on regular television so they had to research places that were open on Thanksgiving in order to find a place to watch the game. While they were rooting on the Broncos, Mom DeBoer, Charles and I played scrabble and watched Luke explore around Grammie's house a bit more.
Luke was helping Grammie keep score. He was more interested in sucking on the pen I think.
We figured that since we were playing with letters and forming words, we should introduce Luke to his letters too! Grammie has some books just for Luke under her coffee table - we was very into it.
Well, maybe more into eating it. (It was Thanksgiving after all.)
On Black Friday we avoided shopping and the crowds but ventured out of the house anyway. I can't remember the name of the place we went to at the moment. I'm sure it'll come to me as soon as I publish this blog, oh well. It was probably the nicest day we had the whole time we were in Lynden so we bundled up (grateful for Luke's snow suit once again), got some coffee at Woods, and went for a walk along the pier.
It was beautiful, chilly, but beautiful.
Thankful for Woods coffee.
More scenic pictures
The whole family. Good looking bunch... this year's Christmas card perhaps?
We attempted to get a family photo of just us as well. It took a few shots, but we ended up getting a decent one.
I love this photo. This was about 2 minutes before Luke fell sound asleep on Matt's shoulder~ I have a few adorable pictures of that but they didn't upload this time. oh well.
On Saturday we went down to Seattle and wandered around Pike Street Market.
We had to stop by the booth where they throw the fish!
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