Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Again with the videos

I'm starting to think that I won't make my goal of having our blog fully updated by the time we leave for Chicago and the beginning of our Christmas vacation. Life has gotten just a wee bit busier at the DeBoer house lately, all thanks to the fact that Luke is now crawling around and pulling himself up on everything - chairs, coffee table, house plants....

He has been scooting for quite awhile now but recently seemed to figure out that he can cover more ground in less time if his belly is off the floor. He has a unique little crawl though- he has his right leg bent and keeps his left leg straight, so its as if he has a peg leg crawl (not sure I'm describing this quite right. I've been trying to catch it on video but so far I haven't been successful). Now that he can move around a bit faster and pull himself up on furniture he is into everything WAY MORE than before, if that was possible. So, my days home basically consist of telling him "no", taking things away from him that he shouldn't have, pulling objects out of his mouth, wrestling with him to change his diaper, picking up after him, comforting him after he's donked his head for the thirteenth time on the table legs.... It's a glamorous life, really. In all seriousness I do enjoy the time I have with him at home. I know these days are precious and will soon be a memory so I won't complain (too much) about a messy house or not getting the luxury of a shower everyday. It's all worth it.
I'm still hoping that I can carve out some time to post some of the pictures I've taken recently but for now a few more videos will have to do. :)


Uncle Aaron & Auntie Erika said...

What a happy little guy! We can't WAIT to see you in a few days!! :)