Thursday, June 3, 2010

forgotten pictures

I forgot to add a few pictures of Luke's adventures at the pool on Memorial Day. The pool/club has a "splash park" that consists of a few sprinklers/fountains for the kiddos to play in. Luke was fascinated by all the water. It was a little on the cold side and he didn't like it too much when some heavier drops hit him square on the head, but that aside he had a great time. We'll definitely be back soon- especially with the 90+ degree weather we're supposed to have in the next few days.

Holding Daddy's hand extra tight- don't want to slip

Trying to catch some water drops

'Carefully' running (if there is such a thing with Luke) through the fountains

Too much fun!


Aaron and Erika said...

How fun!! :) We've got a splash park somewhere by our house... hopefully there will be time to take the boys there in a few weeks! Can't wait!! :) xoxo