Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Day in the Life of Luke DeBoer

It was brought to my attention that I have let too much time pass between posts. I deeply apologize for my lack of blogging lately. Although I can't promise that it won't happen again, I will say that I will try my very best to do better. :)
Perhaps part of my delinquency in updating is due to the fact that not much has really been going on in the DeBoer world. It's pretty much same ol' same ol'... we wake up, we go to work/school/internship, we come home, we play with Luke, we eat, we go to bed, we do it all over again. It's a glamorous life, really. But who are we kidding? No one checks our blog to keep up with Matt or Lisa. It's all about LUKE.
While I haven't kept up with the blog, I have been keeping up with taking a few pictures almost every day so I have plenty to post.
So, without further adieu: A Day in the Life of Luke DeBoer
Sleeping oh, so sweetly.
Time to get up already?
Just five more minutes...
Good morning sleepy head
First things first... help mommy re-organize the fridge AND help myself to a few grapes
moving on to organizing the drawers:
which of course means emptying the entire contents of the drawer onto the floor!
The cabinet that holds my diapers really needs to be cleaned out too
Enough with the chores, time to get on with playing!
Mmmm. Lunch Time AKA "eat what I like and throw the rest on the floor time!"
I LOVE going outside! Luckily for me, we have a few parks within walking distance.
Daddy may be just a wee bit big for this slide. Just a thought
Practicing my wheelbarrow walk
The baby swings were occupied but swinging with Mommy is pretty fun too
Finally, my own swing!
See the look on my face- this is serious business
Playing at the park is a tough job. After about an hour or so I'm ready for a nap but afterwards I'm always ready to head back outside to play!
After dinner Daddy and I do tricks- we're pretty good!
Then bath time AKA "splash as much water out of the tub as possible time"
Finally, a book, a bottle and a good cuddle with Mom and Dad, and off to slumber land I go.
It's a good life.


Anonymous said...

If you have to wake Luke up in the morning, then I'm insanely jealous.

-a tired father

Aaron and Erika said...

I love it! :) What a great documentary! :)

DeBoer Days said...

To "Tired Father" (whoever you are) -
That part was exaggerated quite a bit. Those pictures were taken waking him up from a nap after we 'sprung forward' and I was trying to get him back onto a regular schedule. We're lucky if Luke lets us "sleep in"until 6am.

The Worsts said...

Great blog post Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! I can't believe how quickly Luke is growing! Can't wait to see him in a few weeks. Love you all!

Auntie Andrea