Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine

One of my very favorite times is when Luke wakes up from a nap and is in SUCH a good mood! He's getting a few more teeth these days so lately he's been waking up cranky more often than not. The other day I could hear him just blabbering away over the monitor and knew this was a good day. So I grabbed our camera and had myself a good chuckle. Hope you get the same!

I was making faces at Luke from behind the camera- be glad that you can't see me.
Warning: If you are prone to motion sickness it is suggested that you take a Dramamine prior to watching this video. :)

and just a few moments later...

Buh buh buh bye.


Brigitte said...

Oh my goodness these were fun. The girls and I have been watching them over and over. Too cute!

Joel and Lora said...

So cute, Lisa!
Love the videos :) So cute and smart! Love you all!

Aaron and Erika said...

Love it! Wish we lived closer and could see it in person! Love you!