Sunday, February 7, 2010


These past few weeks we have really been able to see more and more of Luke's individual personality developing... oh my word, is that fun!

He has such a fun little personality. We can already tell that he loves making us laugh and does this often - at first without trying but then when he sees that his actions get not only our approval but a chuckle then he's likely to repeat the action over, and over, and over. BUT only when a video camera is not around. Once the camera comes out the fun stops and curiosity about the camera takes over.

A few of the things we've noticed:
* He is always on the move... whether it be walking, crawling, rolling around, 'dancing', bobbing his head, he is almost ALWAYS in motion.
* He loves making noise and can get extremely loud in some cases (like in the grocery store yesterday - not crying but screaming "BaaBaaBaaBaa" literally at the top of his lungs)
* He likes banging on objects, especially objects that make noise (as you will see in the video below)
* He loves, and I mean LOVES, the refrigerator and dish washer. Whenever either of those appliances are open he makes a bee line straight for them, screaming all the way, and throws an absolute fit if we shut the door before he can get there.
*He is good about entertaining himself - playing and talking to himself - which is always entertaining for us as well.
*He can be quite stubborn - seriously protesting and then throwing a tantrum if we take something away from him that he shouldn't have. That said, he is also fairly easily distracted with something else.

There are many, many other things that we've noticed about our little boy, who is growing up WAY too fast. But as I'm typing this, he is no longer eating his breakfast of Cheerios, bananas and grapes but is throwing them on the floor and hiding them in his seat - So, I'm calling it quits for now. Enjoy the pics and video!

Our Silly Boy


Aaron and Erika said...

That video is hilarious! :) And the pics are great too! What a fun age... we'll be there before we know it too. :)

Heather said...

Little Luke is on his way to being a big boy! As I wait for my delayed Amtrak train I've got a big smile on my face. :D

Much love,