I am writing this post in the comfort of my parent's home, looking out the window at the snow covered lawn, drinking hot tea, listening to eruptions of laughter from friends and family playing games in the basement, all sorts of delicious smells coming from the kitchen... ah, this is Christmas. Things seem as though we fell out of a Christmas story book. However, we have gone through quite the ordeal to get to this point, let me tell you!
Friday, December 25, 2009
All over the airport and through 'The Wood', to Grandmother's house we go
Posted by DeBoer Days at 1:48 PM 4 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
My son: The escape artist
I usually wait to take a shower until Luke is napping. However, it is not always possible to squeeze in a shower with everything else I put off to accomplish during nap time. Well, Wednesday was one of those days that I had too much to do AND Luke decided that 30 minute naps was all he would grace me with. So, if I wanted to get a shower in I'd have to resort to plan B - strap Luke in his baby seat next to the shower, surround him with toys and entertainment items, and hope that I can at least get the shampoo out of my hair before he starts squirming/whining to be released.
Posted by DeBoer Days at 10:50 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Again with the videos
I'm starting to think that I won't make my goal of having our blog fully updated by the time we leave for Chicago and the beginning of our Christmas vacation. Life has gotten just a wee bit busier at the DeBoer house lately, all thanks to the fact that Luke is now crawling around and pulling himself up on everything - chairs, coffee table, house plants....
Posted by DeBoer Days at 8:58 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
A few old videos
As I mentioned before, I'm trying to get our blog fully updated before Christmas. So far, so good. We'll see if I can keep this up.
Posted by DeBoer Days at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Belated Birthday Post
I am trying to get caught up on all the events that I want to blog about before we leave for Chicago. At least that is my goal. We'll see if I am actually able to reach it.
Posted by DeBoer Days at 9:23 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
missing photos
I wanted to post a few of those pictures from our Lynden trip that didn't upload when I wrote that other post. I didn't want to leave them out!
Posted by DeBoer Days at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Teething Woes
Luke is teething yet again. His two top teeth are causing all the pain and discomfort this time. He doesn't seem to really be bothered by it except at night - go figure. Last night I was up three times with him. I gave him Tylenol but that only lasts for 3-4 hours and I don't like the idea of giving him Tylenol every time he wakes up during the night. Even after giving him Tylenol it seems that the only thing that will settle him back down so he (and I) can get some sleep is if I feed him. So, it seems as though we have regressed to the newborn stage where he is waking and wanting to eat every 3-4 hours throughout the night! UGH! This is where my love/hate relationship with baby books comes into play. I fall victim to reading all the appropriate baby books at times like this - when I am frustrated, tired and at my wits end and don't know what else to do. The trouble is I end up thinking 'if I just read this particular book and do what is recommended by this esteemed author then the sun will shine, birds will sing and hallelujah, the baby will sleep or eat or whatever it is I am concerned about at the time'. Boo, I say. Boo.
Posted by DeBoer Days at 7:41 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A Merry Thanksgiving in Lynden
Posted by DeBoer Days at 10:23 AM 0 comments