These pesky little gophers have been terrorizing our lawn for quite some time now. We have tried several different tactics to get rid of them- flushing water through the tunnels, sticking juicy fruit (or another sweet chewing gum) in the holes, spreading human hair around those areas... no luck. It may have deterred the buggers for a bit but they always returned. Friends of ours tried some traps and nailed a few gophers within a few days - that was all we needed to hear. We got some of our own traps, set them, and voila! within a week we had skewered gopher!
Matt the Hunter looking terribly fierce with his kill
Trying to mimic the gopher's pitiful little face. Pretty good impression actually.
We still have a few more traps set throughout the yard so we may catch a few more. Hopefully this will teach them a lesson and they'll leave our lawn alone! Keeping our fingers crossed.
Can't handle Cheerios but dead gophers....OK. I don't get it.
We smoked ours out and then back filled his holes and if that dosn't work poison is always an option.
Nice! I'm up to 5 dead gophers with our traps!
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