I cannot believe that it is already August! Wow. Where has the time gone? Matt starts up at school again in just a few short weeks. I know we've been busier this summer with a baby and having lots of visitors but still this summer seems to have really flown by!
We finally got around to taking some pictures of Luke at 3 months. I kept meaning to get some pictures of him at 2 months but never followed through. It was a busy month with his baptism, me back at work, and family in town so I'm cutting myself a little slack. He's wearing the same outfit that I took his 1 month pictures in. I was hoping to take pictures in this outfit each month to really capture how much he's grown. I'm thinking this might be the last month he fits into these shorts unfortunately. Luke continues to get bigger and bigger every day! There are times that I look at him and think he is such a little boy, no longer an infant! We know that's not really the case but it does feel that way at times.
Here are some of the pictures we took. We are NOT claiming to be very good photographers, in fact, we confess that we're pretty bad photographers but whatever. One of these days we'll have Luke's pictures taken professionally (Leny, maybe you can schedule us in sometime in the future) but until then, these will have to do.
3 months old already!
Luke was much more interested in eating the paper than having his picture taken - figures
He's so darn cute but really doesn't cooperate very well with us when the camera comes out
Last weekend my cousin Heather and her fiance, Nate, stopped by for dinner on their way to AZ. It was great to be able to see them and hang out for a bit. We went to The Gourmet Pizza Shoppe (as is our tradition) for dinner. Nate had never been so we really felt obligated to expose him to cashews, mashed potatoes, and shrimp on pizza (not on the
same pizza of course, that would be gross). They had to get on the road pretty quickly after dinner so it was a short but sweet visit. They are getting married next summer and we are really looking forward to celebrating with them then!
The happy couple - aren't they adorable!
Luke has really figured out that he can reach for and grab things lately. We will watch as he zones in on an object and literally lunges for it with both arms outstretched. This picture shows his amazing talents of grabbing onto his mobile with one hand while shoving his foot in his mouth with the other hand. We're so proud. (sidenote: the ladybug that he's grabbing onto plays the song 'If You're Happy and You Know It" - he grabbed onto it and wouldn't let go, playing the song a minimum of 13 times...driving us nuts. We ended up having to release his grip from the thing in order to save our sanity)
Luke and I went to our first 'play date' at a friend's house. There were a bunch of other moms and their kids there. It was so great to get out of the house and be able to chat with friends and let Luke play. Ok, so Luke didn't really
play with the other babies - he did take a bit of a nap and enjoyed some tummy time while we were there, does that count? I forgot that I had brought my camera until just a few minutes before we left but I did get this sweet picture of Aliyah (Luke's first girlfriend) giving him kisses on his head. So adorable!
Rude Awakening....
(I had to put this on the blog, sorry Matt, I couldn't resist). NO, that's not Matt's drool in this picture. Earlier this week I got up with Luke in the morning and let Matt sleep in a bit. Luke ate, we played for awhile and then figured it was time to go wake daddy up. I thought it would be fun for Luke to wake Matt up by giving him kisses on his cheek (Luke has taken to sucking on our cheeks which we like to think is him giving us kisses). Well, I leaned Luke over and BLAGH-SPLAT- He pukes all over, missing Matt's nose by an inch! Matt's reaction - "What the heck kind of an alarm clock is THAT?!" HA! Luke was pretty proud of himself too... that, or he just felt relieved. :) The picture is a 'reinactment' - that's where Matt was laying and the wet mark - that's where the spit up landed. heehee.
I LOVE the spit up alarm clock story!! Makes me laugh every time I think about it! :) I am glad Luke missed Matt's face, but what a funny, funny story!!
Whoa, Aliyah looks huge compared to Luke! We'll have to post some pictures of Aliyah kissing him from last night.
I love the spit-up alarm! Good thing he missed Matt, this time. It makes me think of my sister's rehearsal dinner last summer- Sophia was a bit fussy so we put her up on Axel's shoulders (she loves to sit there) and she spit-up all in his hair. She had been laughing, so someone was taking a photo of her and got a before and a during picture.
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