Saturday, April 4, 2009


Well, yesterday was my official due date. April 3 has come and gone with no baby DeBoer and no news to speak of. I shouldn't really be surprised since I've read and heard that the majority of first babies lean on the late side. When Matt and I first found out the official due date we were trying to keep it in our heads that the baby would be late, end of story. But family and friends kept betting that the baby would be early, believing that it would be born in March, not April, so that got my hopes up somewhat. Oh well. Matt is thinking that April 6 would be a good day for the baby's debut - for those of you who follow March Madness at all you know that April 6 is the championship game date... which would make for a very memorable day - he can be such a goober sometimes. :)

I must say, it was very tempting to pull some April Fool's pranks this year - telling people that the baby arrived. But we were strong and held out, not wanting to 'cry wolf'. (Although Matt has already done this a few times - which ended up being kinda funny but cruel at the same time. - sorry Andrea and Leonards)

However, a friend from my work DID use this idea and convinced the other girls that I had the baby. She got them all excited, made up a name, weight, etc. Then pulled up a picture of a super fat, ugly baby on the internet and claimed that it was our offspring. Nice to know that she thinks we've got the potential for some seriously derranged looking kids. According to Jen, this is what our kid is going to look like....

Thanks Jen, thanks alot. ;)


amanda said...

That is so scary! Your baby will be adorable...and I'm hoping will make me forget I ever saw that picture!!

Lacey and I say "hi" and wish you were here to "watch" the games with us all!!

DeBoer Days said...

looks like the father

Erika/Aaron Klingenmaier said...

Ok, that is seriously messed up! We all know your kid will be much better looking than Mr. Bean!!! However... I do seem to remember Matt making a similar face sometime in the years that I've known him...
Love you all... can't wait to hear REAL news! :)

Brigitte said...

Yes, I was seriously wondering where you found this picture. Is this the Jen I know? Hillarious. I am waiting patiently to hear the news....but hoping for sooner rather than later! Hope it goes well!