Friday, August 12, 2011

These Days...

We've been back from the Tour de Weddings 2011 for a few weeks now and have somewhat settled into life in Redlands. For the first few days I was struggling to remember where I had unpacked various items and felt completely scatterbrained. Now I know where things are (for the most part) but I'm still battling a bad case of scatterbrain-itis. There is so much to do around the house, beyond the normal daily stuff like laundry, cooking, cleaning, kids, etc. that my desire to multi-task is backfiring on me and I end up being far less productive than I want.I Oh well, I guess that's just how life is going to be and I'm ok with it... or I will be ok with it (I don't have much of a choice)
We've been trying to find a healthy balance between working around the house - painting, yard work, etc. and relaxing and enjoying our kids in the summer months while we are both home (gotta love the perks of both of us working at a school). :) We have done quite a bit around the house but that'll be another post another time. We have had fun playing around the house, taking walks, getting together with friends, and really just enjoying the DeBoer Four!

Getting silly with photo booth on the computer

Matt got an I-Pad for school. While he's been busy learning how to use it and apply the apps to teaching 6th grade Luke has been busy learning to knock down the pigs in Angry Birds. :)
We've gone to the park a few times (mostly in the morning or evening when it isn't so hot!). Elin definitely likes to lay out on a blanket and watch the wind move the leaves and tree branches
We've been torturing our daughter by forcing her endure 'tummy time'. She is not a fan, to say the least. She will tolerate it for a little while then quickly starts complaining. It is paying off though - neck muscles are getting stronger and stronger!
She definitely prefers to lay on her back, especially if she has company

I love this picture. I couldn't resist putting it in this post.
Its as though she's sticking her tongue out at me -
"stop taking nudie pics of me in the tub yeesh!"
Sweet sibling love!
The DeBoer Four.
This family picture isn't all that bad, actually! We'll take what we can get.


Aaron and Erika said...

Love the pictures!! What fun!! And what a good looking family! Can't wait to be together with you again.

Heather said...

There are big shoes to fill set by the Thomson kids when it comes to goofy faces. I'm glad that you're training Luke and Elin early. :o}

Brigitte said...

Welcome home and love all the pics. The kids are super fun to see in action! Enjoy the time as August is moving by too quickly.