Thankfully, Luke got over his hive-attack after a few [miserable] days. We were extremely thankful that he was completely over his illnesses Andrea's wedding! On to the main event of our trip to WA... Andrea and Jordan's wedding! That's right, both of our younger siblings are now married. The wedding was fabulous! Andrea did an incredible job with all the planning and organizing. It was so great to see how the entire extended family and friends rallied around the couple and the DeBoer family for the wedding day - helping with flowers, appetizers, decorations, setting up/tearing down, etc. What a blessing! The wedding was at this great venue (which was actually a personal residence) with sprawling, beautifully landscaped fields and an airplane hanger~ which is where the reception was held. It was gorgeous! Unfortunately, it rained the day of the wedding so the ceremony had to be moved into the hanger. But it was still absolutely gorgeous! Beyond the weather being less than cooperative, everything else was picture perfect. You'll have to just take my word for it. Again, I have a pathetically small amount of pictures from the actual wedding day. I know other family members were taking pictures so I'm hoping to steal some of theirs eventually. Until then these will just have to do.
Matt and his sister, the beautiful bride, on the dance floor
Luke and Ava (1st cousins once removed...I think) cozying up to watch a movie on the I-touch before the ceremony. Too cute!!
Luke was pretty wiped out after the ceremony. He didn't take much of a nap that day (maybe dozed in the car for a grand total of 15 minutes, if that) and played throughout the ceremony in the back fields with an awesome babysitter. He put his head on my shoulder after dinner and was out.
...But not for long. Once the music and dancing started, he was wide awake and ready to boogie down!
After the wedding we still had several days left in Lynden with family. We had a nice balance of relaxing around the house and taking a few day trips.
Matt and Elin taking it easy
Elin and Auntie Andrea sleeping in on a rainy morning (days before the wedding, I just had to post the picture. It is too sweet not to.)
Great Grandpa DeBoer with Elin
Taking baths in the kitchen sink. I love the look on Elin's face in this picture. And no, we didn't do the dishes at the same time.
More relaxing with Elin
We took Luke to this awesome new playground in Lynden. Seriously, this playground was amazing! Luke, however, was less than impressed. He was much more excited about exploring the creek, throwing rocks into it, looking for fish... you know, doing boy things. :) I guess that just goes to show that God builds a better playground, hands down!
Picking raspberries off the bushes in Grammie's backyard. We picked enough for snacking, making jam and even a raspberry pie! Yum.
We took the ferry to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island one day. It was ridiculously cold for being the middle of July! (So cold in fact, that Grandma and Grandpa DeBoer felt bad that I only had a light shirt on and bought me a jacket! Thanks again G&G!) The weather eventually did warm up a bit and we had a great time walking around, looking at the boats, and checking out the shops.
Luke and Matt on the ferry.
Luke still talks about riding on the 'Big Boat'
Elin, all snug as a bug in her stroller.
I think she slept the entire time we were on the island, honestly.
We also went to Birch Bay one evening for dinner. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, skipped rocks on the water, and had a marvelous time.
Again, I think Elin slept the whole time we were at the bay.
Showing off the perfect skipping rock... at least according to Luke
Roasting marshmallows with Uncle Eric and Aunt Candice...
...and stuffing his face.
Even sharing some with mom!
Before we knew it, it was time for these DeBoers to fly back to California and resume a normal life... whatever that is. We had such an incredible time and are SO looking forward to round 3 of the wedding circuit in December (Eric and Candice in Ohio)!!!