Friday, January 22, 2010

Christmas Part III

Christmas part III. sheesh. It's a good holiday to stretch out and all but enough is enough - time to move on to 2010. :) The last of my pictures from our Christmas vacation:

It snowed... a LOT while we were in Chicago. It really only snowed one day but it snowed ALL day. It was nice to be able to sit inside, drink hot chocolate and watch the snow fall since we didn't really need (or want) to be out and about.
I must say, I like the snow. There is a peaceful quality I connect to snow. That said, I'm glad I don't live in a place where snow is a frequent thing in the winter. That's right- I'm a 'wimpy weather' CA girl now.

Since Jung was along on the trip to Chicago we felt that we really needed to pluck him from my parent's basement and force him to experience pieces of Chicago. We lured him out with Korean food. Worked like a charm.

Nothing makes this kid happier than Korean food. Nothing.

We figured since Jung enjoys video games we would take a trip to Gameworks - the ultimate arcade. Jim, Julie, Matt, Jung and I spent the afternoon racing, shooting, ski balling (?), etc. It was glorious.

My dad offered to take Jung (and Matt and Jim) on a driving tour of Chicago. For some reason Jung had thought that we were going to Texas - originally he didn't connect that Chicago was a city, not a state. He was much more excited when he realized that is was Chicago, IL - the world famous city- not Texas after all. :)

There, finally done with my Christmas posting. Onto bigger and better things (aka: Luke's latest tricks and pics). coming soon.