Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christmas Part II

So, I feel obligated to post about the rest of our Christmas trip seeing as how I titled the last post Christmas 'Part I'. It's not that I don't want to write about our Christmas trip - it was fabulous...once we finally got there and got over our sicknesses. I am just having a hard time figuring out what to write, what pictures to include, etc. I am severely lacking in the motivation department -not just with blogging but in many areas of life right now. Post vacation depression? perhaps. Sheer laziness? Most likely.
So, rather than try to write out a play by play of our time with the Thomson side I am going to simply post more pictures and perhaps write a little blurb about them, like the last post. Maybe one of these days I'll be a 'better blogger'... but don't hold your breath. :)

Without further adieu and in no particular order ----
Luke snuggling with Grannie Jannie. Normally he is too active to want to cuddle much. This would be one of the few (if only) 'perks' of being sick.

My dad has a 'thing' for trains. He built a track that runs around the sun room in their house and has an electric train that runs along the track. Luke was very entertained by the train running around the perimeter of the room.

Mom and Dad T - Making Swedish sausage. By the looks on their faces they are in the process of dicing up the onions.

opening presents - the first time in, well maybe ever that we opened gifts on Christmas Eve vs. Christmas morning. New generations = new traditions.

Again with the train. Only now their each wearing their conductor hats!
I'm not sure who had more fun, Pops or Luke.

Our futile attempt at a family photo. sigh

Loving the Tupperware drawer! The fact that we could peek through the other side made it that much more fun.

Playing - no, banging on the piano with Auntie Erika

Meeting 'Santa' on Christmas day.
(I have very special memories of Santa coming to my grandma's house every year on Christmas eve -my grandma had a santa suit -don't ask- and a wonderful neighbor with a real white beard and everything. He would dress up and come visit us every year at Grandma's house. The tradition continues!)

Luke was thrilled to meet Santa, as you can tell.

...almost as thrilled as Jung was to meet Santa. :)

How big is Lukey? SO Big!

Chilling on the floor with Uncle Aaron

Another attempt at a family photo. My brother has a rare disability -he absolutely can NOT take a nice picture. He MUST be making a face or doing something retarded in every single picture we take. (seriously, I have at least 14 pictures similar to this one with Jim making a different face in each one. I just didn't post them all). He still looks like a goober but this is as good as it gets.

Meeting Great Aunt Chris and Great Uncle Paul

Meeting Katy (T-T) for the first time in person

Kisses for Katy

Kisses for "Boo" as Auntie Erika was going to the hospital for the induction!

See what I mean about my brother and getting his picture taken?
(funny, you can't see it but Luke's shirt says 'are these people REALLY my relatives?' - classic)

First experience in the snow! I'm not sure what he hated more - the cold of the snow or not being able to move at all in that snow suit! And yes, Jim is trying to shovel up my son.

We didn't have a sled to pull him on so we improvised with the shovel!

Matt's face could be interpreted as saying "this is why we live in CA"

Ok, so there are still MORE pictures that I want to include (mostly for memories sake) but that's all the motivation I can muster for now. Thus, I am committed to a Part III. :)


Sarah Schenkel said...

First of all, I love your coat, Lisa. I don't miss the cold weather but sometimes I do miss cold weather clothing. Second of all, good luck getting a good family picture of you guys for the next couple years. Aliyah still either reaches out for the camera or frowns and scrunches her eyes because she, for some reason, thinks that's what smiling is. She catches on to some things so quickly, so it makes no sense to me whatsoever that she can't smile for a picture! Ha! Oh well. :)

DeJongs said...

Love the photos! Looks like you had a great Christmas, and such a cool family. Fun times!!