Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Catching Up

Has it really been 3 weeks since my last post? Yikes. Sorry to those of you who regularly check our blog for updates on our family. Wow, three weeks to catch up on...where did the time go? I cannot believe that October is nearly over already! The month went by in such a blur, which is a good thing and a bad thing I suppose.

We've had a house full of sickos this month~ my excuse for not posting. No fun, no fun at all. We've all been fighting bugs of some sort or another. Matt wasn't feeling well a few weeks back, then Jung got a nasty little cold that lasted a few days. Next up was Luke and I followed suite shortly after. And today Charles got hit with the nasties. I've been spraying everything with Lysol multiple times a day in hopes that the sickies are over now that we've come full circle with spreading the germs in our house - we're keeping our fingers crossed.

That's not really fun news to read about on our blog, sorry, such is life. I'm trying to think of all the 'blog worthy' happenings of the past few weeks...
(In no particular order)
~ Luke had his 6 month appointment with his pediatrician. He is doing very well - eating solids, sleeping through the night on a pretty regular basis, scooting/army crawling all around, even starting to try and pull himself up on things. He is now 17lbs and 28.5 inches long - 90% for height, 50% for weight (I think we have a tall, skinny Dutch boy on our hands). He got his next set of immunizations and a flu shot to boot (not the H1N1 shot, he's too young for that). Sadly, he got a nasty little cold after getting the shots. Poor little thing was up several times that night, had a fever, runny nose and cough and was just miserable. I started getting sick a few days after that and quickly learned how miserable it is can be to be under the weather yourself while trying to take care of a infant who is under the weather -ugh. Happily, we are all on the mend and doing much, MUCH better. :)
~ We FINALLY broke down and bought a new computer! I know I have posted a few times about how I was so frustrated with our old computer and really needed to just get a new one... mission accomplished. We are now the proud owners of a MacBook Pro. So far we really like it. It takes some getting used to since we were so used to the PC's programs, but I think once we get the hang of it, it'll be smooth sailing.
~ Luke is getting his bottom two teeth at the moment. I am pretty sure that this had something to do with his cold and overall misery the past week or so. After his last doctor's appointment, Luke began boycotting all solid foods. He literally ate two containers of solids (peaches and carrots) in one sitting on Wednesday and then Thursday completely refused to eat anything. I was baffled/frustrated to say the least. I figured it was due to his cold and thought he'd return to his prior eating habits before long... wrong. He's still not interested in eating solids. All my attempts are met with pursed lips and if I am lucky enough to sneak a spoonful into his open mouth he just lets the food sit on his tongue and looks at me as if to ask "what am I supposed to do with this?". Sigh. I'm hoping that once he's cut these teeth that he'll show more interest in eating, here's to hoping. We have these mesh things (I don't know what they are really called) that I have been putting pieces of banana and some frozen baby foods into and Luke will eat more that way.

Luke definitely likes bananas (he ate one large one all by himself one day). He also likes to drop the mesh thing full of banana goop and watch it splatter all over the newly mopped floor - joy.
~ The Middle School I am interning at had a pumpkin patch/fall festival fund raiser so we took Luke and Charles to pick out pumpkins. We got some pumpkins and had fun carving them (at least I had fun and the boys humored me). Jung had never carved a pumpkin before. It was quite amusing to watch him try to scoop out all the inside goop with his hands. Yay for making memories.

I love California in the fall. No winter coats and scarves for us as we pick out pumpkins!

Carving Jack-O-Lanterns ~ another tradition we are exposing these guys to.
(notice Jung is oblivious with his headphones on - this is typical)
Jung with his pumpkin- and headphones. (I love the look on his face, like 'I can't believe you
made me put away the video games to do this!') Ha.
Charles with his pumpkin- he was more into it. ;)
We got Luke his first baby pumpkin too. He was pretty interested in it but it was a bit too heavy for him to pick it up and get it to his mouth (his favorite place to put anything these days).

Stacking cups are much easier. :)

Since its been so long since I've posted last I figured that I needed to include a few more pictures...

I love this little man outfit! I had to get a picture ~

Already standing up on his own, holding onto the couch of course, but still.
Luke watched his first Broncos game with Matt a few weeks ago since they were actually on TV (Matt usually has to go to a sports bar to watch the game). He donned his Broncos jersey for the occasion - cute little fan.

Luke looks a little worried in this picture - Matt was most likely yelling something at the game and startled Luke. Little guy better get used to it, all I have to say.
Ok. That's going to have to do it for now. I'm sure I'll remember something else later on that I wanted to blog about, but I'm over it.


thekuiperskrew said...

He is getting so big! Looks like you guys are enjoying your time with him. Keep the pics coming!

Julie said...

Love his "1/2 Dutch is better than none" shirt!