Tuesday, April 28, 2009

check up

Two posts in three days! I might be getting the hang of this. :) I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep this up, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Luke had his two week well-baby check up yesterday. He's one healthy little man. He's already gained nearly 2 pounds since his last doctor's appointment! Currently he's weighing in at 9lbs 3 oz (still not as big as his mom was when she was born, if you can believe that!) and he's grown an entire inch since his birth- now 22 1/4 inches long. Luke is still in the 90th percentile for height and now is in the 50th percentile for weight.

I took some videos of Luke yesterday with the intent of posting them on the blog. This will be our video debut, if I can get it to work. Our computer has been ultra slow and irritating lately so we'll see if this works.

Luke has been keeping us very entertained with all of his facial expressions. He seems to smile quite a bit...its probably just gas, we know, but we like to think he's smiling in response to us.

This second video is of Matt with Luke - Matt's been 'training' Luke in all the athletic movements that he'll need when he gets older. Matt is hoping that Luke will be a lefty. He believes that Luke will then have an advantage in any sport he chooses to play.

(We had American Idol on t.v. while this video was being taped and didn't realize how loud it actually was... so please excuse the background music. )

Monday, April 27, 2009

Relatives- round two

Wow. Another week has already passed! Where does the time go? I am honestly amazed at how quickly the days go by and how little I get done each day! I have been meaning to update our blog for a few days now and I'm just now getting around to it. Hopefully I'll get better at this and become more consistent, but no promises.

We've had a great second week with Luke. We're already noticing some changes in him - his little face is starting to fill out and he's developed these adorable chubby cheeks that we can't help but kiss as often as he'll tolerate. He has his two week check up with his pediatrician tomorrow so we'll see how much weight he's gained. I'm guessing its only a matter of time before he's a chunky baby boy!
Speaking of chunky... check out my feet and ankles in this picture! This was two days AFTER Luke was born! I retained a bit of water in the third trimester. Friends kept telling me "it'll go away after the baby is born". Naively, I was thinking that once the baby was born - like literally, the minute the baby was out, POOF, I'd lose all that extra water too. Yeah, NO. I think I ended up retaining more water (if that's possible) in the first few days after Luke was born!

My Clubs - two days after Luke was born.
I honestly felt like my toes were going to pop off the ends of my feet!

One week later I was reacquainted with my ankles!

We had to say goodbye to Grandma Thomson last Tuesday. We had my mom here for over a week and it was WONDERFUL! Mom/Grandma Thomson ran errands for us, cooked, cleaned... basically was a complete saint for the entire time she was here. We were definitely spoiled and it was hard to say goodbye. We're looking forward to June, when family will be back in CA for Luke's baptism.

Thanks for everything Mom/Grandma Thomson! We love you.

Matt, Luke, and I had a few days 'just us' and enjoyed getting together with some great friends for meals on Wednesday and Thursday. Then Friday, Mom/Grandma DeBoer and Aunt Andrea arrived for a long weekend! We had a terrific time with them. It was so fun to watch them oggle Luke and fight for 'cuddle time'. :) I honestly think Luke was in someone's arms the entire weekend, apart from sleeping at night and being transported in the car. We were again spoiled with delicious meals, a clean house and clean laundry- thanks Mom DeBoer! Unfortunately, the weekend went by much too fast and we had to say goodbye to Grandma DeBoer and Aunt Andrea this afternoon. But again, we're looking forward to them being back in June!

Aunt Andrea and Luke

Grandma DeBoer and Luke

We got to bring Matt Starbucks during his break

Some serious cuddle time with Aunt Andrea

Proud Grandma and Daddy

Some serious cuddle time with Grandma DeBoer

Mom DeBoer brought gifts for Luke from friends in Lynden. I think half of her suitcase was filled with presents for Luke!

Mom's friend Shelley knitted this cap for Luke - and we actually caught a smile on camera!

This sweater and cap was knitted by Mom's boss' mother-in-law (I think).
It's a bit big now but we're sure he'll grow into it!

A glimpse into the future...?
He couldn't resist. Crazy how the cap actually fits on Matt's dome!

We squeezed in a shopping trip to Cabazon

We gave Luke another bath, which was MUCH more enjoyable than his first! He was a little shocked at first and had the funniest reaction to being placed in the tub. I wish we caught it on camera but no such luck. It took him about 10 seconds to figure out that the bath could actually be a pleasant experience and after that it was smooth sailing.

Luke's fan club watching as he gets clean.
Who knew bathtime could be so entertaining!

Grandma DeBoer, Aunt Andrea and Luke
enjoying a McDonald's lunch before heading to the airport and back to Lynden

We have a few days now before the next group of relatives come for a visit. My sister, brother-in-law, brother and brother's girlfriend are coming this Friday! We're looking forward to spending some quality time with them and introducing Luke to his aunt and uncles!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Week of Firsts

Luke is one week and one day old today! Its hard to believe that we've only had him for one week, it feels as though he's been a part of our lives for much longer than that! This week has been a week of firsts for all of us.
I mentioned in the last post that Luke had his first doctor's appointment... he's a healthy little one. Already growing and doing so well. Like a crazy first-time mom I was taking pictures in the doctor's office. (the nurse assured me that I'm not the only one.) :)

In the Dr.'s waiting room, sleeping peacefully in the carseat.

Luke on the baby scale- weighing in at 7lbs. 6oz

Luke slept through his first church service on Sunday. He barely made a peep the entire time. Matt, Mom Thomson, and I had fun remembering last Sunday- me sitting in church MUCH more uncomfortable than this week.

Looking like a stud in his polo shirt - all dressed up for church.

Luke's umbilical cord stump fell off earlier so we were able to give him his first bath. He HATED it! Poor little thing screamed the entire time! He has the funniest little cry - almost sounding like a little bleating sheep. We were quick with the bath and soon he was his happy little self, snug in his towel.

First bath = a most unpleasant experience for Luke

This picture doesn't quite capture it, but Luke was quite content to be bundled up and held by Daddy after being tortured in the tub.

Today was Matt's first day back at school. Since Mom Thomson is still in town we thought it would be a good day to bring Luke to school to introduce him to all Matt's students. Luke was the most popular guy on campus! As soon as we strolled into the hallway he was swarmed by students. He did so good and tolerated all the curious, adoring faces pouring over him- not to mention the 90 degree heat!

(we are pretty sure Luke is just a California boy- he can take the heat no problem but HATES being cold.) :)

Proud Daddy showing off his son to his students.

Matt's basketball team had a game at home today so Luke was able to take in his first basketball game too! (we only made it for the second half but that's good enough for now) Matt's team won so that was a lot of fun. Luke, again, was so good and slept through all the whistles and buzzers. One of the player's moms joked that Luke was probably used to those sounds already thanks to all the basketball games I sat through while I was pregnant with him.

First Basketball game.

And a few more pics... just for fun.

Resting a bit between our excursions

such as sweetie- I could sit like this all day.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Update and more pictures

Another Broncos Fan is Born!

Well, we are now home and getting ourselves settled in. Adjusting to life with a newborn has been wonderful! We find ourselves getting nothing whatsoever done during the day because we're so consumed with cuddling, kissing and simply staring at our little bundle of joy.

A lot has happened since the last post- let me rephrase that, a lot of pictures have been taken since the post. We have been hounded by various friends and family members for more pictures, so this post will have LOTS. Hopefully this will suffice, at least for now. :)

Luke had his first doctor's appointment yesterday. He did so well! He now weighs 7.6oz and has grown 1/4 inch already, putting him at 21 1/2 inches. He is in the 90th percentile for height, 10th percentile for weight! So we have a lanky little one... future basketball player perhaps?

I have to tell one quick story and then onto the pictures, I promise, but this tale is too funny NOT to tell...
Yesterday afternoon Luke was in need of a diaper change - we're talking soupy poopy diaper- so Matt and I 'tag teamed' it and decided to change him in his room on the changing table versus the pad on the dining room table/make shift diaper station we created downstairs. We got Luke all cleaned up and feeling fresh, no problem. Matt was in the process of putting some vaseline on Luke's 'member' (recommendation from Dr. for the circumcision site) when all of a sudden there is a yellow fountain! Matt didn't know what to do so he 'helped Luke aim' for the wall! In the meantime I'm telling Matt "no!" trying to get him to cover it with the diaper but Matt thinks I'm telling him not to get pee on the wall, so he 'aims' in the other direction! Picture an out of control fire hose - that's probably the best image for this scene. Both Matt and I are laughing hysterically while poor little Luke is crying! When we finally look around there is pee EVERYWHERE! All over the wall, changing pad, carpet, glider, crib...everywhere, including all over Luke... sprinkled on his face and even a drop in his ear!
We got Luke and the room all cleaned up, laughing the entire time. Needless to say, we learned an invaluable lesson! :)

Ok, onto the pics....

Sleeping so peacefully

Matt - staring at Luke for hours on end

So tiny!

resting at the hospital - Matt had his own 'bed/cot' but mine was more comfy.

Some of our Visitors at the hospital:

Dan and Sarah Schenkel

Dan and Sarah brought their daughter Aliyah. She was SO excited!

Liz (and Greg - not pictured)

Matt Wiers

Bill and Harriet Bierling

Jennifer DiDonato

Sheila Tinklenberg

Heading home from the hospital!

All dressed up in his duck outfit from Grandma DeBoer

Finally home

We just can't stop kissing his little cheeks...

or staring at him while he sleeps...
The DeBoer family.

Luke's scrunchy face

Luke's first official outing
- we went to out for Frugos Frozen Yogurt after his doctor's appointment

Grandma Thomson

The best naps are on Daddy.