Monday, February 16, 2009

Birthday/Valentines Day

I am going to take a moment to brag about my wonderful husband... he has been so great lately, not that he isn't always great, but lately he's been so helpful around the house doing all the projects and things that either I can't do because I'm pregnant or don't want to do because I'm lazy. :) This past weekend was my birthday and Valentines Day - double whammy for Matt. We joke that he usually does something to mess up on my actual birthday and then gets Valentines Day to 'make up' for it. Not this year. Matt had the idea to go away for the night... a little 'staycation' if you will. He found a deal on a room and tickets to a dinner theater in Irvine. Matt had a shortened day on Friday (my birthday) so it worked out perfectly. We were able to check in and relax for a bit before heading out to the dinner theater. It was a Murder Mystery theater dinner and neither of us knew quite what to expect. It was quite the experience, let me tell you... The entertainers were also the waiters/waitresses and acted out a murder mystery in between meal courses. The scenario was that the restaurant was celebrating the opening night of a play. The performers were actors in the play, director, writer, producers, etc. Eventually, one of the performers dropped dead and we were all left to decide who could've done it. Throughout the rest of the performance other actors would mysteriously die and put another twist in the plot. We, the audience, were able to talk about our suspicions during the meal courses. It was very cleverly done. The performers did a good job of bringing members of the audience into the action and since Matt was sitting in a prime spot for that attention, he was thrust (very much against his will) into the entertainment! One of the actresses named him "Larry Olivie" and kept referring to him throughout the night and even made him get up and dance with her at one point. Matt loathes being the center of attention, especially in a setting like that, so he HATED it. I, on the other hand, Loved seeing him get all flustered- it was a highlight of my night for sure. Sorry, no pictures. :(
The other interesting feature of the evening was the couple we were seated next to. They seemed nice and all at first but we quickly realized that they had already had quite a lot to drink.Pretty soon 'nice' turned into 'annoying'. Let's just say that by the end of the night the woman sitting next to me felt very comfortable poking at my pregnant belly and talking to our baby which pretty much meant that she had her head in my lap. Talk about an invasion of personal space!
Regardless, we had a wonderful time and would go back to the dinner theater.
The next day we were able to sleep in. I have to say that the bed at the Marriott was very possibly the MOST comfortable bed I have ever slept in - which was such a blessing since I have not been sleeping well at all lately. After forcing ourselves out of bed we had breakfast at a Spanish restaurant and headed to Costa Mesa where Matt had scheduled me for a pregnancy massage. What can I say about the massage except that it was an hour of pure bliss. The massage therapist even gave Matt some pointers on giving a good massage and ways to relive stress/pressure while I'm in labor! We'll see how well he paid attention. :)
So, there you have it... I think I am more than justified in bragging about my amazing husband. Sorry I don't have any pictures of the weekend. I was too busy being spoiled to think about that.


Steph said...

That's so nice to hear that you had such a great birthday! To be sure that Matt remembers the massage techniques when you're in labor, you should have him practice by giving you bedtime massages. I know that by my 3rd trimester, I often couldn't fall asleep unless Axel massaged my back. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Brigitte said...

Happy Birthday! Sure sounds like a great weekend! I spent mine with the flu! Yucko!

The Worsts said...

That is adorable! What a good husband:) Miss you! How's the baby, job, school?

Julie said...

way to go, Matt!
Now if ONLY you had captured the restaurant adventure on video!