Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Plunge Winter Retreat

Last weekend was the winter retreat for the Middle School Youth Group at our church- The Plunge. The group spent the weekend in Big Bear, CA at a church family's cabin and let me tell you, we were packed in there! I don't know the exact number of kids that went on the retreat but there were LOTS. It was a great time. Matt isn't technically a leader for the youth group but he was able to come along and hang out with the kids. The weekend was full of games, sledding, snowballs, singing, devotions, small group time, good discussions, and lots of laughs. I was even able to squeeze in a nap while the group was sledding! (it is NOT an easy thing to get a good night's sleep when you have so many kids crammed into one little bedroom, some of them talking/giggling, some snoring, etc... not to mention that I'm 30 weeks pregnant!) We got home about 12:30 or so on Sunday, dropped our bags by the door, flopped on the couch and didn't move until much later that evening. It's now Wednesday and I think we're still recovering... but it was so worth it.

Haley (one of the awesome 8th graders)and Me

Some of my small group girls (An Incredible bunch of 7th grade girls!
I absolutely LOVE them!)

Playing card games around the table

Matt - feeling pretty tired at this point.

More card games

Outside the cabin - how many kids can we get on the teeter totter at once?

Enjoying the snow one last time before heading back to Redlands and warm weather

Miss Sheila... without her, I'm not sure I would have survived the weekend!

Some of our fearless leaders... God bless them. :)