Monday, April 23, 2012

Three on Thursday

That's right! Luke is 3! Thursday, April 12 marked Luke's third birthday. We can hardly believe that he's 3 - my, oh my, how the years have flown! Luke brings us so much joy each and every day. He has so greatly enriched our lives and we are thankful to God for granting us the privilege to be his parents. 

 Luke is THREE... see! 

We didn't necessarily try to stretch his birthday into a marathon event, it just sort of happened that way. So much so that he is still convinced that there are more presents for him and he should get cake, cookies or cupcakes everyday, every meal! We celebrated the week before his birthday with all the Aunts and Uncles on the DeBoer side as well as Bill and Harriet. The day before his birthday, Luke received a package in the mail from Grammie DeBoer. We weren't going to battle him into waiting to open the gifts until his actual birthday, so he got to celebrate with Grammie DB via skype on the 11th. On his official birthday, we skyped with family on the Thomson side, opened presents from us (he got a baseball tee - just in time for the Yankees season to begin so now he's pretending he's Jeter, Tex, Swisher or Robbie!) On the 13th, we got home to find another package had arrived from Pops and NeeNee! More presents, skyping and celebrating. You can see why he thinks this should be a normal, daily thing. 

Opening presents/skyping with Grammie DB. 

Presents from mom and dad

presents from Pops and NeeNee. 

Luke certainly is one loved little boy! Happy Birthday Buddy!! 


Heather said...

Happy Birthday Luke! 1-2-3!

By the way--I love Elin's expressions, especially in this pic of Luke opening presents from his Grammie DB. A whole host of captions could accompany that one!