Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You Know You're In The 3rd Trimester When...

  • Your belly button "pops" and every Tom, Dick and Harry feels the need to inform you of it.
  • You lose your ankles and gain a chin (or two)
  • Your maternity shirts (which were once too loose, baggy and long) are now verging on being mid-drifts.
  • You are constantly asked when you're due - you give them the due date and hear, "Wow! Are you sure there's just one in there?!"
  • You can no longer get up from any reclining position by yourself. Rather, you roll around like a turtle on it's back until someone has mercy on you and pulls/pushes you up.... OR your husband stands there watching and laughing at your predicament and futile attempt at using stomach muscles that no longer exist.
  • You put 'Go to Frugos' on your daily To-Do list.
30 (ish) weeks pregnant
Yay for the 3rd Trimester! Only a few more weeks to go - ready or not!


DeJongs said...

I understand all of the above, but your still just as cute as the dickens.

Jill said...

I agree with Susanne. You look great! I can sympathize with your predicament of getting stuck in reclining positions...not fun when it's time to get up!

Sarah Schenkel said...

Love it! And that's a really cute maternity shirt.

Jessica said...

You seem so little to me... seriously, you are so cute! Plus, you regain your figure like a week later :)

Aaron and Erika said...

Love it!! And I agree with Jessica... you get your tiny frame back so stinkin' fast afterwards, it makes me SO jealous!! :) Hoping the 3rd trimester treats you well... LOVE YOU!!x

Heather said...

Lisa! Wow, what a list to look forward to some day... And you do look great! I like the little baby #2 countdown. About 63 days to go! xoxo

Brigitte said...

:) Happy 3rd...those all sound like fun items - well sort of - congrats!

thekuiperskrew said...

Lisa you look adorable! Hope you are feeling well!