Monday, September 6, 2010

Chef Luke

We hosted our small group last week, which means a few things.... good friends, good conversation, good lesson. It also means I have to get my rear in gear and have the house clean and some tasty treats to offer. I didn't plan ahead so instead of trying out some new fancy recipe I opted for the "add a cup of water and an egg" type of cookie mix. Luke, of course, had to be smack in the middle of all the baking preparations.
He quickly declared himself the official taste-tester
The next morning Luke pushed a chair over to the kitchen island and kept pointing to our spice cupboard saying, "pwese. pwese." (that's please in Luke language) I had a few empty containers that I filled with corn meal, oatmeal and flour. He entertained himself mixing and stirring and shaking containers for the majority of the morning. That's the upside. The downside is that now that is ALL he wants to do.

If he's not experimenting with his culinary skills he's re-organizing the kitchen.
Starting with the spice cupboard
McCormick spices make excellent stacking blocks!
once he'd mastered the spices he set out to re-organize the pantry as well. This mostly consisted of throwing away all of Jung's Korean food - like father like son! :)


Julie said...

wow, Luke. can't wait to sample some of your creations, man.

Marilyn said...

Luke is sooooo darn cute!

Heather said...

Hmm... future chemist? Future civil engineer?