This is the final chapter of our Michigan adventure with the DeBoer clan. Which means there will be LOTS of pictures! I am a very visual person so I love pictures, no I need pictures - I pay more attention to books with pictures, need the recipes I use from cookbooks to have pictures, etc. Thus, I am a glutton for putting pictures on our blog. Hope you don't mind. Lots of these pictures are thanks to Candice for taking them and sharing them with us, so here's a special shout out to you, Candice! Great pics. Thanks!
As I've mentioned multiple times already, we had a glorious time with family in Michigan. The more I think about the time we had (and of course, look back on the pictures) the better the vacation gets in my mind. I'm ready to go back anytime. :)
I'll let the pictures do the talking...
More playing on the beach:
Uncle E makes the best jungle gym
Uncle E: the human swing
This picture just screams love!
Chillin' with Daddy
More time playing in the water
Jumping over the waves with Grammie and Mommy
More playing in the sand with Auntie Andrea
(needless to say, sand was EVERYWHERE when we got back)
Trading hats with Great Grandpa
One of the days we took a day trip to Grand Rapids to tour Calvin's campus and see the new sports arena - it was amazing! Being back on campus brought back a surplus of great memories for Matt, Eric, and I. Ah, college days... good times, good times.
Luke's first Calvin walk
I'll be crying over this picture when Luke moves into the dorms at Calvin in 17 years
(yes, it's been decided that he will attend Calvin, he doesn't have much say in the matter)
The DeBo's
One of the mornings Uncle Ken set up a fishing trip. I opted not to go along since there was minimal space on the boat (only 6 allowed) and Luke hadn't been sleeping well the whole vacation, so I figured we'd stay home and catch what precious little sleep we could. It ended up being a great decision for us because it rained pretty hard during the trip. Those who went (Matt, Eric, Candice, Andrea and Jordan) had a great time, however, in spite of the rain.
Matt reeling in his catch
Andrea and Jordan reeling in their catches
Andrea with her fish - can you tell she's not a big fan of touching live fish?
Eric, on the other hand, didn't mind getting up close and personal with his catch
The brave fishermen and fisher-ladies with their total catch - pretty impressive!
That evening we met up with the whole family again for dinner in downtown Holland. It was such a nice night - perfect to eat outside on the restaurant's patio.
Luke playing with Ava and Bella, swinging around the umbrella pole.
Luke with Auntie Andrea. love it.
Another family shot
After dinner we walked around the streets of Holland. Apparently, Thursday nights are a street festival of sorts in Holland. Performers of all kinds set up and play for hoards of people milling about. It was lots of fun to stroll around and see all the artists. Daddy didn't completely get out of his shoulder-ride duties that night
We stopped for ice cream - a must have on summer nights. Luke was a little begger, getting bites of ice cream from pretty much everyone! Once he'd had his fill of ice cream the sugar rush hit full force and Luke was no longer content to sit still with us in the shop. Auntie Andrea was happy to walk with him outside for a bit. They kept stopping by the window just above the booth where we were seated to say hi and blow kisses.
Watching a street performer do tricks with yo-yo's. I was skeptical of this guy at first but it was actually really impressive, you can tell by the look on Eric's face.
(sidenote: I love how of all the people in this picture the only one smiling for the camera is a complete stranger!)
Uncle Tom had to show off his own yo-yo-ing skills
Matt and Grandpa enjoying the sunset and cooler weather our last night together
Our attempt at a whole family photo before heading out. Luke had just cashed out in the car and would NOT wake up for the picture. oh well. Good enough.
All tuckered out from all the fun with family. Luke slept for nearly 2 1/2 hours on the way home. We made it all the way back to my parent's house without stopping: awesome.
We had a few hours between when we got back to my parent's house in IL and when we had to drop Mom DB off at the airport so she was able to relax a bit before starting the second leg of her travels and we enjoyed getting the bonus time to spend together.