Saturday, July 17, 2010

We came, we saw, we conquered

I had the best of intentions to continue to update our blog while on our vacation. Obviously that didn't happen. We have been home now for just over 24 hours after being gone for 3 weeks and I have LOTS to post about and TONS of pictures. So this will either be an update of cosmic proportions or will take me about 3-4 part posts spread out over several days. I'm guessing it'll be the latter since Luke is up and active and has had an aversion to sleep lately (which is usually when I find the time to blog). OK, enough of the 'intro' and on to the happenings of the DeBoer vacation....

We left for IL June 24. After our nightmare-like experience flying with Luke at Christmas (see Dec. post "All over the airport and through 'the wood' to Grandmother's house we go" for the details of that trip) I was fairly anxious about traveling. It couldn't have gone smoother. We were checked in, through security, and happily eating McDonald's at our gate within 20 minutes of arriving at LAX! Luke did very well on the flight - he got a little antsy and was quite curious about the other travelers but did nap for me and was mostly content to play with his toy car (he only threw it over the seat twice and luckily, the passenger in front of us was a grandma so she said she didn't mind one bit), watch Elmo on our lap top and read books. We finally arrived at Milwaukee airport around 9:30ish. Luke was a trooper - he tolerated the 1.5 hour drive to LAX, 1 hour flight to Phoenix, 30 minute layover, 3.5 hour flight to Milwaukee, and the 1 hour drive from Milwaukee to my parents' house. Needless to say, once we got to my parents' house he was in need of some fun and exercise, regardless of the fact that it was nearly 11:30pm.
The flight out
Luke didn't care that we were on Chicago time or that he had been up way late the night before, he still got us up about 6:30 the next morning - he's good like that. He was bright-eyed and bushy tailed, we were bleary-eyed and in desperate need of coffee.
Luke met his cousin Micah that morning for the first time. It was absolutely adorable to see them interacting- so adorable that I forgot to grab my camera and capture the moment. (boo). I'll have to get pictures from my sister to post later on. The fun of finally having the entire family together had to be cut short as we still needed to re-pack and get ready to head to Grinnell, IA for my cousin's wedding (that's about 4.5 hour drive... and a bit longer when you have a 14 month old that had already had his fill of traveling).
Catching some zzz's on the way to Grinnell
We (DeBoers, my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, brother and brother's girlfriend) rented a house for the weekend in Grinnell. It was the cutest house and was just perfect for us! It was so great to finally be there and let Luke and Micah have free reign.
Relaxing/Playing - no need for clothes
Micah happily chewing on a toy lizard - think he's teething?
Uncle Jim and Micah
(note: Jim's shirt reads- front: Where the hell is Grinnell? back- Who the hell cares? nice.)
chillin' watching one of the world cup games
The wedding was beautiful! Some highlights: Seeing family - my cousin, the bride, was gorgeous. I didn't mess up my reading of Song of Solomon. Luke and Matt were studs in their matching blue shirts and ties (no, we didn't do that on purpose). Luke and Micah were very popular at the reception- the photographers seemed to love them. My family got to be members of the Bottle Band for a mini concert at the reception. (My uncle Paul is the founder/creator/conductor of the Bottle Band - a band that makes music by blowing on, hitting or plucking glass bottles filled with various amounts of water. They are famous- they've been on The Letterman Show twice, Jenny Jones, and a few others, not to mention playing shows throughout the Chicago area.)
Hugs for Micah
The Dads watching their boys
The Moms and their boys after dinner
A quick nap after dinner - re-energizing for all the dancing to come
Mom T showing off her mad skills on the kazoo
Making beautiful music
Jim and Cousin Kristen singing the Hokey Pokey
(notice the bottle band members are putting their 'right foot in')
Nate's friends scooped him up during Hava Nagila
(no, neither Nate or Heather are Jewish- it's a bottle band thing)
The Happy Couple rocking out
Let the Dancing Begin!
The DeBos on the dance floor
Luke and Micah showing everyone their moves
Pops and Luke
take a dance break for more hugs
The day following the wedding there was a picnic lunch gathering at a park nearby for more family fun. Luke took one look at the slides and all the fun things to climb on and he was off and running! It was nice to be able to spend more time with family and let Luke burn off some energy, making him nice and tired for the drive home.
Pops was more than happy to play on the slides with Luke
Dads and the boys
Pops and Luke on the swings
My sister got all creative and made these shirts and shorts for the boys to wear. You can't see it well in the picture but the shirts read: "4th generation Bottle Band" and the shorts say "Little Tooter".
Three generations of the Bottle Band
Ok, that's going to have to do it for now. Not bad considering all that I have to post about but Luke is making it very clear that he doesn't want me sitting in front of the computer any longer. So, stay tuned for the further updates!


Sarah Schenkel said...

Wow--impressive post! Now we want video of The Bottle Band. :)

Heather said...

We're so glad your trip to Grinnell and your stay was free of sickness, delays and sketchy hotels! Thank you all for making the weekend even more special. Good luck recovering from the vacation. Love, Heather

Heather said...

We're so glad your trip to Grinnell and your stay was free of sickness, delays and sketchy hotels! Thank you all for making the weekend even more special. Good luck recovering from the vacation. Love, Heather